Thursday, August 10, 2017

Creation and the Big Bang: Religion vs Science (Part 3)

Okay, so here we go! The last question is: What is my relationship with God (shorthand for the creative force) and the stories I have heard about how God interacts with the physical world? I mean, basically, what is the efficacy of prayer?
Think about all the people praying (that is requesting a boon or intervention by God) in their daily physical lives. Does God “hear” the prayer. In a sense, since I think we are kept in a state of existence by God’s will for each physical thing to exist, we are actually doing what some physical things do, i.e. pray. Once we come to a personal (i.e. this one representation of the physical compound object I have referred to as a featherless biped) understanding of a sense of God being our sustainer, we might just jump to the thought that God is so intimately involved with each of us (and everything else) that God knows exactly everything about our functioning, including desires and actions. So, yes, God “hears” or “knows” our prayers.
But do we influence God to the point of our prayers changing the normal, ongoing, and interactional behavior of all the other physical stuff? Why would they? And what of two or more persons having opposing pray intentions? Do they cancel out? Does God cause both requests to be honored? Is this possible?
I have even ventured so far as to imagine that as each request or feeling is honored, a new parallel universe springs into existence going in a new interactional way. Billions of new universes coming into existence for each proceeding instant!! Wow!
And what about all those galaxies, clusters, and dark spaces we keep detecting? They have googles and googlepelexes or stars and planets with similar physical interactions that have been replicated on our planet. Is it possible in this mix that we are the only “sentient” beings in existence. This hardly seems possible. Some would say yes, on religious grounds that we had a Messiah who “saved” us from our impossible corrupted condition to one of total joy interaction with the God that created us. But couldn’t it be possible, then, that there have been /are/and will be billions and billions of Messiahs, each appropriate to the beings involved, to save many, many other sentient beings? Why not?
So, you see, I am more confused and puzzled than ever. Every time we get more data in while searching space we see thousands and thousands of additional galaxies we didn’t realize existed. All the permutations seem more and more likely.
I like best, at present, the idea that the function of prayer is to so incline the pray-er to become more accepting of whatever happens following it. And, of course, maintaining hope and faith in the construct he or she follows with regard to interaction to the God as the pray-er knows it.
That’s about as good as it gets for now.
And that’s the end of this series …. For now. I continue to ponder, wonder, and study. I’m not sure it’s worth anything, but I just feel compelled to do it right now.

Input requested: just no name-calling, just thoughtful comments. I can be convinced by logic and the experience of others. That’s MY faith.

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